Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekly schedule of events!


So as promised, I have a schedule made of what will be done daily.

Monday: Sims 3 Spotlight: great buy/download/article, etc... basically like a haul!
Tuesday: Designer Spotlight: Spotlighting a popular or unpopular designer's creation(s)!
Wednesday: Video Wednesday: Video's about the Sims 3
Thursday: How-To Thursday's: How-to's in the Sims 3. I will run a poll on Monday's to get ideas!
Friday: New Designer Friday: Highlighting an unpopular or an undercover designer.
Saturday: Screenshot Saturday: Screen shots of the Sims 3, my sims, or your sims.
SundayNew Sim Sunday. New Sim uploaded to and linked here for you to find.

xo fm.s3

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